
The Issue of Mix Use Program in Architecture

A “classic” design process of a mix-use project, usually includes a pre-defined program that comprises a list of required floor area for each function type. This process uses a closed list of function types such as “Dwelling”; “Commerce”; “Office” etc. The specific requirements and properties of each function create mutual influence that limit their spatial relationship, leading to the use of one of the known mix-use typologies.

Diagrams showing Activity levels of different program types.

Supuerposition of activity levels diagrams shows the difference between "Ideal" mix-use program (left) and typical low-variety program (right) leading to "Functional Vacuum".

The Project proposes a new kind of Program, which instead of “Function Types”, consists of a series of “Events”. Each “Event” is an integration of activity, time, location and physical infrastructure. Each “Event” is a unique combination of 10 different parameters that describe it. These parameters are divided into 3 categories: Time (activity levels during the day), requirements and influence.

The Site

Tel  Aviv municipality’s plan for the site (left) presents low function variety and little additional public space, while MULTlv proposal (Right) presents High variety mix use achieved by “Event” swarm simulation.

As a Specific application for the generic system, the selected site for intervention is the former “Bet Merkazim” lot on “Kibbutz Galuyot” road in Tel Aviv. The area is characterized by high activity levels during day time, but low variety of Functions that creates “Functional Vacuum” during the night.

The Site specific properties (Noise and Access) are entered to the System, alongside the designer’s intervention to the site - a proposed public passage through the site.